There’s a 15 day wait on the hand guns but the rifles you can take right now, and you have to fill these out too. So uh, which will it be?Ĭlerk: I may close early today. Any one of these is ideal for home defense. Terminator: Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range.Ĭlerk: You know your weapons, buddy. Just touch the trigger, the beam comes on and you put the red dot where you want the bullet to go. 45 long slide, with laser sighting.Ĭlerk: These are brand new – we just got them in. Terminator: I’ll be back.Ĭlerk: That’s Italian. Want to wait? There’s a bench over there. She’s making a statement.ĭesk Sergeant: It may take a while. Could I see her please?ĭesk Sergeant: No, you can’t see her. Terminator: I’m a friend of Sarah Connor. Punk 3: Hey, I think this guy’s a couple of cans short of a six-pack! Punk 1: Hey, what’s wrong with this picture? The Terminator has been been sent back through time and appears, naked, through a time portal. He is absolutely single-minded and ruthless in pursuit of his mission, however, and WILL shoot you if you get in his way. He is a cyborg who is virtually indistinguishable from a real human to look at, though, he is somewhat lacking in social skills.

An unstoppable robot assassin who has been sent back into the past to kill the one person who poses a potential future threat to the dominion of Skynet.

In the most apt piece of casting in the history of Hollywood, Arnold Schwarzenegger is the ‘Terminator’. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." Movie The Terminator Year 1984 Character Terminator Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. Look Reese, I didn't ask for this honor and I don't WANT IT, ANY OF IT!" Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese in The Terminator: "Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. Do I look like the mother of the future? I mean am I tough, organized? I can't even balance my checkbook. Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator: "I'll be back." Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in The Terminator: "Oh, come on. Not only that, they have sent a deadly robotic 'Terminator' back in time to prevent the birth of the humans' "one last chance" hero before he gets the opportunity to do them over and take back mankind's freedom. Those dastardly machines have taken over again.